Pagos con un enlace

Crea y envía un enlace a tus clientes para aceptar pagos digitales de manera sencilla.

Get paid with a click

Send a link, get paid instantly—fast, secure, and convenient for you and your customers.

Turn curiosity into clicks

Boost conversions by 20% with a payment flow that customers won’t think twice about

Ready in a flash

Create secure payment links in under a minute—quick, easy, and good to go when you are.

Bye-bye, bank transfers

Swap the outdated methods for a faster, smarter, and stress-free way to pay.

Stay in the loop

Track payments in real-time, so you’re always up-to-date without the guesswork.


of consumers are interested in Pay-By-Link


of businesses are using WhatsApp to send Pay-By-Link


of time saved by using Pay-By-Link instead of bank transfers

Descubra cuánto podría ahorrar

Cuéntanos sobre tu negocio y crearemos un presupuesto gratuito que muestre cuánto puedes ahorrar