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The Top 10 Tip Management Solutions Every Bar Owner Needs to Know

3 min read

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Managing tips efficiently is crucial for both employee satisfaction and smooth business operations in the bar industry. As a bar owner, you need to ensure that tips are fairly distributed, tracked, and reported while also adhering to relevant laws and regulations. Thanks to modern technology, there is an array of tip management solutions designed specifically for bars. In this post, we will discuss the top 10 tip management solutions that every bar owner should consider implementing in their establishment.

1. Square POS

Square is a popular and user-friendly point of sale (POS) system that offers built-in tip management features. With Square, employees can easily enter and track tips, while bar owners can monitor and manage tip distribution. The system also simplifies tip reporting, making it easier to comply with tax and labor laws.

2. Toast POS

Toast is a versatile POS system designed specifically for restaurants and bars. It includes comprehensive tip management features, such as tip pooling, individual tip tracking, and automatic tip distribution. With Toast, you can easily create custom tip distribution policies to ensure fair and transparent tip allocation among your staff.

3. Tipshare

Tipshare is a tip management software that focuses on streamlining tip distribution and reporting. With this solution, you can create tip pools, allocate tips based on various factors, and generate detailed reports. Tipshare also helps you comply with labor laws by offering an automated tip declaration process for employees.

4. Tipsi

Tipsi is a cloud-based tip management software that simplifies the entire tip distribution process. With Tipsi, you can create custom tip allocation rules, track employee hours and sales, and distribute tips automatically. The software also offers tip reporting features, making it easier to manage your establishment’s finances.

5. Tipalti

Tipalti is a powerful payment automation platform that includes tip management features. It helps bar owners manage the entire tip distribution process, from tip collection to payment processing. Tipalti also offers tax and labor law compliance features, ensuring that your bar remains legally compliant while managing gratuities.

6. Sling

Sling is an employee scheduling and communication app that includes tip management capabilities. With Sling, you can easily allocate tips based on employees’ hours, roles, or sales. The software also offers reporting and analytics features, helping you monitor and optimize your tip distribution process.

7. 2TouchPOS

2TouchPOS is a POS system designed for bars and restaurants, offering a robust set of tip management features. The system allows you to create custom tip distribution policies, track employee hours, and generate tip reports. With 2TouchPOS, you can ensure that tips are distributed fairly and transparently among your staff.

8. Grata

Grata is a tip management solution that focuses on automating the entire tip distribution process. With Grata, you can create custom tip pools, allocate tips based on various factors, and generate detailed tip reports. The software also helps you maintain compliance with labor laws by offering automated tip declarations for employees.

9. TipHaus

TipHaus is a tip management software designed to simplify tip distribution and reporting for bars and restaurants. The platform allows you to create custom tip distribution rules, track employee hours, and allocate tips automatically. TipHaus also offers detailed tip reporting features, making it easier to manage your establishment’s finances.

10. Focus POS

Focus POS is a comprehensive POS system that offers a wide range of features, including tip management capabilities. With Focus POS, you can track and manage tips, create custom tip distribution policies, and generate tip reports. The system also helps you maintain compliance with labor laws by offering an automated tip declaration process for employees.


Tip management is a critical aspect of running a successful bar